Customer Testimonials

As usual, very professional , quick and efficient service
by Serop Beylerian

Friendly and professional I am extremely satisfied with the work completed! I highly recommend permanent roof
by Andrea Valero

Professional, helpful, flexible, personal. I would recommend them to anyone!!
by Janet Garstang

Our HOA has used Permanent Roofing for over 15 years for repairs, re-roofs, and tear off new roofs. We feel that Permanent Roofing does excellent work, has good service and fair pricing.
by Megan Bright

These guys are good! Relaible, easy-to-reach, prompt, good follow through. Work quality was excellent and the price was competative. Have and will use again.
by StevenGross

Give us a call at 310-838-7663 to set up a roof inspection

Permanent Roof distinguishes itself through its roofing history, and a commitment to it's customers. Find out why our customers have trusted for years with their biggest investment. Call today!