A Reason For Optimism In Drought-Stricken California

Roofing the Good the Bad and the Durable
September 17, 2015
Roofing the Good the Bad and the Durable
September 17, 2015

As more reports concerning the current El Niño storms hit the web, Californians begin to grow optimistic. But is there real reason to get excited?

The last California storms dumped inches of hail and rain across the state. As law enforcement agencies struggled to handle falling bridges, floods, and blankets of hail covering Interstate 80, climate scientists took the discussion to the press.

For months, experts claimed drought-stricken California would not be dry for long. But even after the strong storms, many believe it’s still too soon to speculate. While it’s impossible to predict exactly what El Niño will bring in the coming months, experts are certain this year’s weather-changing phenomenon cannot be compared to the 1997 storms.

To those who have been paying attention, however, it’s impossible to ignore the signs supplied by the science behind the phenomenon.

As the climate event takes shape, the Pacific Ocean becomes warmer. According to the scientific community, this factor alone could cause storms to be more aggressive than ever before.

If climate scientists are correct, El Niño will make California more likely to experience the same subtropical jet stream that creates the perfect rain forest conditions in Central America. As the subtropical jet streams settles in, California gets wetter, and that’s why both politicians and scientists seem to be optimistic.

This also means that there is more reason than ever to make sure Californians have their homes’ roofing inspected by a professional.